A Little Introduction
I am a college student trying to become a Full Stack Developer. I have yet to decide on a specific position I want. However, as of right now I am thinking of finishing the Coding BootCamp, and getting a degree in the medical field after. I would like to make a difference in the world, with the connection of technology and medical services.
Where Are You From?
I was born and raised in Orange County, California. To be more specific, I grew up in Westminster and Garden Grove.
What Are Some of Your Hobbies
One of my pleasures is building and making stuff, whether its a bed to a scrapbook. I love the feeling of creating something, and feeling accomplished after.
Describe Your Dream Job
Aside from having the skills of a Full Stack Developer, my dream really is to make a positive change in the world with those skills.
Why do you want to be a Web Developer?
My father told me when I was younger, that I should give Computer programming a chance, but I never did. Then one day in 2018, I decided to give it try. I tried to teach myself HTML & CSS. Little did I know, I would understand and enjoy it. I did my research, and found out about UCI's Coding BootCamp, and came to the realization I want to do this. It's like learning how to talk to a computer, and it incorporates algorithims. Which I love and hate.